We provide services ranging from company secretarial services to diverse clients in all sectors of the economy. We also develop joint venture agreements between our indigenous clients and foreign investors. We have a very strong compliance track record between our clients and relevant government agencies.
We have a strong track record with providing commercial services having advised clients on contracts from formation to management and dispute prevention or resolution as the case may be.

Our practice is focused on an ethical approach to resolving labour related matters we have a very high success rate in negotiating collective bargaining agreements with trade unions in Nigeria where we have some of the toughest trade unions in the world. Examples are PENGASSAN (Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria) and NUPENG (the Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers) with whom we have successfully negotiated new and existing CBAs on behalf of different clients in the oil and gas industry.
Our expert advisors also have a lot of practice experience in advising clients on best practices in estate planning for that inevitable time we must all face. For our clients and most people out there, the last thing they want is to have family members and loved ones challenging their final wishes when they are no longer around to ascertain their intent. Our experts are adept at minimizing the risk of such challenges occurring.

We are well versed in different aspects of admiralty law in Nigeria and international best practices for advising clients on compliance and related admiralty matters. Our services also include arrest and release of ships and recovery of damages.

Our firm has the benefit of the experience of experts who have been involved in different stages of administration (legal) of free zone enterprises and free zones as a whole. The principal legislation governing free zones (export processing zones in Nigerian jurisprudence) is the Nigeria Export Processing Zones Authority (NEPZA) Act.

Mergers and acquisitions are more commonplace today as the world gets increasingly smaller and smaller as a result of globalization. In response to the needs and changing dynamics of the global economy, our founding partners are both well versed in the capital market having worked directly on different capital market transactions and directly with the Nigerian Stock Exchange in different capacities.
Our firm is a leader in intellectual property matters. Our advisors are not only experienced in intellectual property litigation, but we are also well positioned to advise clients on all registration matters related to intellectual property registration, protection and assignment as may be needed by the client.

The firm also provides expert services on property and real estate law related matters including carrying on detailed due diligence exercises on all property transactions before the client commits to a course of action. We make it a point of duty to ensure that our clients are equipped with the right information about any real estate transactions in order to place them in the best possible position to make informed decisions on their proposed transactions.
Our firm places a premium on the family unit and related matters. This is because the family is the foundation for building any society. Unfortunately, disputes still arise within family units and in some cases marriages break down irretrievably in spite of all good intentions. Our role is to ensure that regardless of the situation, our clients are given the least traumatic resolution. In matters related to divorce and ancillary matters we have conciliation driven focus, especially where there are children of the marriage. We do our best to ensure that the children get the best possible outcome.